
An alphabetical list of StudyLink terms and definitions.

You can find definitions for more general terms on the StudyLink website glossary.

Browse: B | C | E | G | L | P | R | S | V


Provides a definition of Blank or Manual VoS (Verification of Study).

Provides a definition of breaks in study and vacation dates.


Provides an explanation of a client number (SWN).


Provides a definition of EFTS (Equivalent Full-Time Student).

Provides a definition for education provider alias.


Provides an explanation of gross and teaching weeks.


Provides a definition of Limited Full-time status.


Provides a definition for Post Contract.

Provides a definition of pre-approved.

Provides a definition of a programme for StudyLink purposes.

The prospectus code allocated to the programme (qualification) by the Ministry of Education.


Provides a definition of Re-VoS.


Provides a definition of a segmented Verification of Study (VoS).

Provides a general definition of semester.

Provides a definition for Statement of Satisfactory Progress (SSP).

Provides an explanation of Status Reports.

Provides an explanation of Student Achievement Component (SAC) funding.

Provides a definition of Verification of Study (VoS) Start and End Dates.


Provides a definition of Verification of Study (VoS).

Provides an explanation of Verification of Study (VoS) Online.

Provides a definition of Verification of Study (VoS) Request frequency

Provides a definition of VoS Study Start Date (VSSD).

Provides a definition of the Verification of Study (VoS) cycle.

Provides a definiton of the Verification of Study (VoS) lead in period.

Provides a definition of a Verification of Study (VoS) request.

Provides a definition of a Verification of Study (VoS) response.