Helping students

This section provides information to assist providers in their conversations with students.

Students may approach you for assistance with their applications. In many cases they will be able to help themselves by using our website, where they can log in to MyStudyLink to check the status of their applications.

Should the student need to talk to us, they can call our Contact Centre from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday on 0800 88 99 00.


Students can send us their documents online, using connect. Here are some tips on how to help them use Connect.

Evidence requirements

Find out about the standard of evidence required to support student applications and how to forward it to StudyLink.

Limited Full-time

Find out about Limited Full-time (LFT) status, the criteria and the role of the education provider in this process.

Extensions to lifetime entitlements

Find out about the lifetime limits for Student Allowance and Student Loan and the education provider's role.

Overseas study

Find out about Overseas study, the importance of the application form and the role of the education provider.