VoS reports
Outlines the two key reports; Status Reports and Payment Schedules.
Status Reports
A status report is a report that advises the education provider the ‘state’ of each loan application for their students. Only students that have elected to have their fees paid by a Student Loan will show up on an education provider’s status report. The report advises the latest state of the Student Loan only – no Student Allowance information is supplied.
The following information will be included on the status report:
- Family Name
- Given Name(s)
- Date of Birth
- Student Client Number (SWN)
- Student ID
- Study Start Date
- Current Application Status
- Date of Current Status
- Context of Current Status
- Campus (where application applicable)
The student will continue to show on the status report each day for a set number of weeks (default is six weeks) if there are no changes to the status of the loan. After this period, the student will ‘drop off’ the status report.
If the state changes, the student will reappear on the report.
Sometimes, a student’s Student Loan application may be between states. This could be where StudyLink has something to process on the student's file, or there are checks that need to be completed. In this case, the student would not appear on the status report, as they technically have no defined state.
For an updated list of all the current status and context options, see the Status Report training presentation.
Payment Schedules
Payment Schedules are issued when a payment is made to an education provider. The payment schedule advises the education provider the:
- date the payment was made
- payment amount
- student's full name
- student's date of birth
- student's student ID number
A monthly summary payment schedule is also issued to education providers to help consolidate their records. Payment Schedules are issued for Scholarship payments, as well as Student Loan fees payments.